Integrating the Tapstream Titanium SDK

First, download the latest Titanium SDK.

Download the latest Titanium SDK

This document assumes you are using Titanium to target both Android and iOS.

Integrating the SDK

  • Download and extract the Tapstream Titanium SDK.
  • Copy the resulting modules directory, and paste it into the root of your Titanium app's project directory.
  • Start Titanium Studio and open your tiapp.xml file.
  • In the modules pane, click the Plus button to add a new module reference.
  • Select the module named com.tapstream.sdk and click OK.

Importing and initializing the SDK

Import and initialize the SDK early in your code by calling Tapstream's create method:

var tapstream = require('com.tapstream.sdk');

Firing extra events

By default, Tapstream fires an event whenever a user runs the app. You can define further events for recording key actions in your app by using the syntax below:

// Regular event:
tapstream.fireEvent('test-event', false);

// Regular event with custom parameters:
tapstream.fireEvent('test-event', false, {
    'my-custom-param': 3,

// One-time-only event:
tapstream.fireEvent('install', true);

// One-time-only event with custom parameters:
tapstream.fireEvent('install', true, {
    'my-custom-param': 'hello world',

Note: Custom event parameters are not exposed in Tapstream's dashboard. The key/value pairs are exposed via Tapstream's postback system and Conversion API. Custom parameters are usually used for integration with a third-party ad network or your in-house dashboard or CRM.

Changing the default behavior of the Tapstream SDK

Note: Changing this behavior is not usually required.

To change the default Tapstream config, provide config overrides like this:

    collectWifiMac: false,
    secureUdid: '<SecureUDID goes here>',
    idfa: '<IDFA goes here>',
    collectDeviceId: true,
    installEventName: 'custom-install-event-name',

Consult the platform-specific SDK documentation to see what config variables are available. Don't use accessor methods, just set the variables directly, using camel-case capitalization.